A Time I Felt Different

Unit Objectives

In connection to their Ellis Island field trip and classroom studies, 3rd grade students will explore the contemporary experiences of immigrants today. Through analyzing the works of Aliza Nisenbaum, we will discuss how artists tell stories of immigration in the United States. We will discuss what challenges immigrants face when coming to America. What does it feel like coming to a completely new place? How do Americans react today and in the past to people who are different from them? Students will then begin to understand empathy and how empathy is the key ingredient to accepting differences. Students will create pieces of art that tell a story of a time that they felt different. Through collage, we will explore how we can use art as a way to recognize and respect each other's differences.

  • Students will understand that we can use art to celebrate and share our differences. 

  • Students will make connections to their Project Based Learning  unit on Ellis Island and contemporary issues around immigrations. 

  • Students will learn about empathy and how to bridge differences through sharing their stories. 

  • Students will be able to create a collage that tells a story about difference.

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