Wearable Art

How might you create a wearable art piece that  protects, empowers or advocates for change?

Unit Learning Objectives:
  • Students will be able to match the material to their idea so that they may successfully execute their idea.
  • Students will understand that contemporary artists and fashion designers use art as a way to share who they are and what they care about. 
  • Students will be able to create a wearable art piece that is personal and meaningful to them. 
  • Students will learn artistic skills and techniques such as sewing, sculpturing, and construction skills. 
  • Students will learn brainstorming and planning skills. 
  • Student will be able to create a wearable art piece 
  • Students will understand that wearable art can empower, protect and/or advocate for change?
Guided Questions:
  •  How might you protect yourself with a piece of wearable art? 
  • What does your wearable art protect you from? 
  • How could your wearable art help others? 
  • What color, textures and symbols might you use to help communicate your idea?
  • How might you realistically construct your garment?

Instructional Materials

Inspiration Artists


Counter Cards


Intro to Sewing